Bimeda Host Sheep Ecto-Parasite Control Events

Bimeda were delighted to host 2 Sheep Ecto-parasite technical presentations to farmers on Tuesday 26th Feb 2019 at the Beara Coast Hotel, Castletownbere, Co Cork and on Thursday 28th Feb 2019 at the Ouvane Falls Hotel, Ballylickey, Bantry, Co Cork, both starting at 8.30pm.
The events were in conjunction with Terence O Shea Animal Health and the guest speaker was Padraig Hyland MVB from Castlecomer Vets in Co Kilkenny. The topics for discussion were ticks, lice and scab in sheep. Padraig outlined how each parasite affects sheep, how to diagnose correctly, treatment and control strategies, and diseases that arise from each parasite.
Pre lambing preparation and hygiene were also discussed along with best practice on how to reduce disease/infection challenge around lambing time. Cleanliness and proper disinfection protocols were outlined to reduce naval/joint ill in lambs. Padraig advocated the use of Stalosan F powdered disinfectant for use on bedding areas, to reduce the bug challenge in lambing/calving pens.
At both talks there was a good question and answer session and interaction with the audience. There was great interest in Bimeda products such as Ectofly (tick control), Dectospot (Lice control) and Ectoflits (Scab control-plunge dipping), with particular emphasis on correct application for best results.
Bimeda were delighted to be involved in these educational and social events for sheep farmers in South West Cork and the Beara Peninsula.